Embracing Change in Model-Driven Engineering: ADOxx Prototyping for Including Business Strategy Information
Including business information into model-driven development methods has been widely explored, mainly through business processes and goal models, and model-to-model transformations from requirements to code. As software intensive organizations require to scale their agility through modularized architectures such as microservices, strategic-level information acquires paramount importance to identify business-aligned modules. However, given the broad domain of strategy, designing strategy modeling methods requires an incremental, iterative process, and the appropriate tool support to enable the exploration of feasible and useful models. In this lecture, we present the process of using ADOxx as modeling environment to enable the design of LiteStrat, an organizational modeling method focused on business strategy and organizational structure, and its integration with business process models through Stra2Bis, a set of model-to-model transformation guidelines. Our approach leverages Situational Method Engineering to select and assemble method parts from existing business strategy conceptualizations, and ADOxx strengths for rapid prototyping of modeling tools. Throughout a Design Science cycle, we illustrate how an ADOxx-powered tool supports problem investigation, design, and validation of novel artifacts for model-driven engineering.
Lecture at NEMO2024
Date/Time: Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 14:00