New Education Perspectives – How to Profile Experts for a Digital Economy Era
Nowadays, modern business includes acquisition and storing enormous data volumes, larger than ever before. Such data represent a significant value that an organization or a society can utilize to reach created goals and provide sustainable development. Unfortunately, a daily practice still intensively points out to the problem of a serious gap between the identified needs for knowledge, on one hand, and inability of the disciplines of Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence (CS & SE & AI, for short), combined with the modern software technologies, to address such needs in an effective way, on the other hand. One of the important causes of such phenomenon is in a lack of strongly educated and interdisciplinary oriented experts showing an appropriate level of knowledge both in CS & SE & AI, as well as in the disciplines of Management and Economics, for a specific problem domain. In this presentation, we will address issues on how to come to more flexible and interdisciplinary oriented study models capable of producing various forms of digital managers, as a new profile of experts, ready to cope with digital economy and digital transformation in a modern society. Massive deployment of such experts is a way to significantly raise the level of organization maturity regarding capabilities for: information management, quality management, business processes, and big data analytics.
Lecture at NEMO2024
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 14:00