Goal-oriented Process Mining for Extracting Enterprise Processes
Process mining is used to discover enterprise-level process models from system logs. Process mining practices are mainly activity-oriented and they seldom consider the (often conflicting) goals of stakeholders. Involving goal-related factors, as often done in early requirements engineering phases, can improve the rationality and interpretability of mined models and lead to better opportunities to satisfy stakeholders, especially during digital transformation. In this course, I will first highlight recent challenges related to process mining and the importance of considering goals. I will then introduce a new Goal-oriented Process Enhancement and Discovery (GoPED) method, which aligns discovered models with stakeholders’ goals. GoPED first adds goal-related attributes to traditional event characteristics (case identifier, activities, and timestamps), selects a subset of cases with respect to a goal-related criterion, and finally discovers a process model from that subset. The method defines three types of criteria, supported by different algorithms, that suggest desired satisfaction levels from a (i) case perspective, (ii) goal perspective, and (iii) enterprise perspective. The resulting process models are simpler to understand and reproduce the desired level of satisfaction. Example from healthcare organizations will be used to illustrate the benefits of GoPED.
Lecture at NEMO2022
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 09:00