Space of Services (SoS), a method of design and improvement of services
Nowadays, the emphasis of methodology of business and information systems modelling is on digital transformation and user experience, especially on the application of existing or emerging methods, architectures and technologies in the context of service science and service engineering. With the idea of completing a set of methods and techniques for designing services and digital transformation, the Space of Services (SoS) method has been developed. The method allows us to position and consider some service in relation to other services and add value to it. The method is complementary to the usual service design methods that include structural and functional aspects as well as interaction with the user. Services are multidimensional (content of services / service facility / work intensity / service delivery location / availability of services / formalization of relationships / scalability….). SoS is trying to overcome the complexity by reducing the number of dimensions that we observe at the same time to pairs. In addition to analysis in the SoS, special attention will be paid to the methods and tools offered by OMiLAB, which can achieve the desired design.
Lecture at NEMO2019
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 10:00