Next-generation Modeling for Enterprise Architecture Management
Changing customer needs and technology disruption, as well as a highly competitive market setting and the emergence of platform business models are only a few challenges today’s enterprises must face. In addition to these external factors, enterprises are experienced increasing complexity internally, for instance consisting of several components that need to be integrated and aligned. In order to survive, enterprises or businesses need to be agile enough to swiftly adapt to changing operating environments. Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is a research field that focuses on assisting modern enterprises to deal with an increasing complex internal and external operating environment. One mechanism used to deal with complexity is enterprise architecture (EA) modeling and EAM uses such modeling to capture and reason about the fundamental aspects of an enterprise as well as communicate with all stakeholders. Modeling methods simplifies a complex reality by focusing only on relevant aspects such as the IT landscape and its alignment with business processes and business strategy. Enterprise modeling is time and resource consuming and requires highly skilled enterprise architects that understand all aspects of a business. Given the demands of enterprise agility, it is crucial that the enterprise modeling tasks are executed timeously and the use and reuse of suitable EA models and meta-models, as well as suitable modeling platforms are essential. In this presentation the audience will be introduced to EAM and the essential role EAM fulfill to assist businesses to survive change through the use of modeling and modeling platforms.
Lecture at NEMO2018
Date/Time: Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 10:00