Semantic Queries and Reasoning on Domain-Specific Conceptual Models
The interplay between ontologies and domain-specific conceptual modelling languages was traditionally concerned with the challenge of “ontological commitment” - i.e., the language is expected to have some ontological qualities, in order to enforce coherence and consistency in model contents. An alternative approach to coupling the two worlds will be promoted by this lecture, motivated by pragmatic semantic interoperability and knowledge externalisation requirements: agile modelling languages are treated here as means of knowledge representation that are amenable to reasoning, linking and publishing through techniques that have been established by the Semantic Web paradigm - i.e., RDF graph databases, OWL axioms, SPARQL queries and endpoints. The presentation highlights the benefits of combining the Agile Modelling Method Engineering Framework with the Resource Description Framework in order to build novel knowledge acquisition methods. The lecture will present results originally proposed in the context of the ComVantage FP7 research project and further developed in follow-up projects.
Lecture at NEMO2018
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 10:00