Modelling Knowledge Work: Case Management and Decision-aware Business Processes

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Switzerland
Modelling Knowledge Work is based on two principles: (1) the separation of business logic and process logic and (2) the support of both structured and unstructured knowledge. Case management is the management of long-lived, non-structured collaborative processes that require knowledge and information. The path of case execution cannot be predefined but depends on human skills and judgment. The OMG recently developed the Case Management Modelling and Notation (CMMN). The lecture will give an introduction into this modelling language. For real processes, however, there is no strict separation between structured processes and cases. The lecture will therefore show, how case modeling can be integrated with business process modelling in BPMN. Decision-aware business processes separate business logic from process flow, making process models simpler and easier to modify. This can be achieved by combining process modelling with decision modelling (e.g. using DMN).
Lecture at NEMO2017
Date/Time: Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 11:30