Modelling Method Conceptualisation based on ADOxx
A trend towards the acknowledgement of the benefits of domain-specific modelling methods – as a complement to general purpose and de-factor standard modelling methods like Unified Modelling Language (UML), and Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) can be recognized. Consequently, researchers are confronted with the challenge of designing and deploying new modelling methods – in the following referred to as the conceptualization. A vital part of this conceptualisation is the design of the meta model. Meta models formally specify the syntactic backbone of a modelling language by introducing the relevant modelling language concepts and by constraining the meaningful relationships between them. Meta model design decisions dictate how modelling languages can be used by modellers during the modelling process. While lots of research can be found that focusses on the effect of notational aspects on modelling language’s usability and intuitiveness, guidelines and best practices for meta model design are still scarce. This talk will contribute bridging that research gap by focusing on meta model design patterns and their impact on their resulting modelling language and the modelling method as a whole. The goal of this talk is to provide, based on experience gained during the design of numerous meta models, a set of generic meta modelling patterns that can be employed in any modelling method conceptualization project. ADOxx will be utilized to show practical feasibility of the presented generic patterns on a state-of-the-art meta modelling platform.
Lecture at NEMO2017
Date/Time: Monday, July 17, 2017 at 16:00