Enriching Linked Data with Semantics from Domain-Specific Diagrammatic Models
A key driver of the Linked Data paradigm is the ability to lift data graphs from legacy systems, by employing various adapters and RDFizers (e.g., D2RQ for relational databases, XLWrap for spreadsheets). Such approaches aim towards removing boundaries of enterprise data silos by having them open to cross-organisational linking within a “Web of Data”. An insufficiently tapped source of machine-readable semantics is the underlying graph nature of diagrammatic conceptual models - a kind of information that is richer compared to what is typically lifted from table schemata, especially when a domain-specific modelling language is employed. The lecture advocates an approach to Linked Data enrichment based on a diagrammatic model RDFizer originally developed in the context of the ComVantage FP7 research project. The presentation will provide a minimal but illustrative example from which arguments will be generalized beyond the originating project context, leading towards a proposed vision of “conceptual model”-aware information systems.
Lecture at NEMO2016
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 09:00