Modelling Business Applications with REA-Patterns
Published in 1982 by McCarthy, the REA (resource-event-agent) model is a fundamental business model. This model contains three basic business concepts, which are Resources, Events and Agents, and their relationships, which are stockflow, duality, control and responsibility. The REA model describes the fundamental structure and behaviour of any business enterprise. According to this model, the core of an enterprise’s activities over the course of its life is constituted by its history of economic exchanges or economic conversations with parties inside and outside of the firm’s boundaries. Based on the REA model, Hruby and his colleagues at Microsoft Development Centre Copenhagen have developed a set of business patterns. These patterns are divided into Structural Patterns and Behavioural Patterns. Structural Patterns are instances of the REA model at the business operation level, whereas Behavioural Patterns extend the REA model with software system functionality. My lecture will first introduce the REA model and its associated business patterns. I will then elucidate how these patterns can be used to model a complete business application.
Lecture at NEMO2014
Date/Time: Monday, July 07, 2014 at 16:00