Goal-Modelling: Organisation Theory, Domain-specific Modelling and Applications
Organisations, despite their apparent preoccupation with facts, numbers, objectivity, concreteness, and accountability, are in fact saturated with subjectivity, abstraction, guesses, making do, invention, and arbitrariness … just like the rest of us” (Weick 1980, p. 5) - This lecture addresses challenges when constructing a domain-specific modelling language (DSML) in support of managerial decision-making, specifically communication about intentions, expectations and goals of decision-makers and other human actors involved in such group processes. Following a method for designing a DSML (Frank 2010) presented in the early morning lecture, essential design alternatives and design decisions w.r.t. a respective language design will be discussed. A subsequent afternoon exercise session will further the discussion.
Lecture at NEMO2014
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 at 11:00