Requirements Engineering: Modelling Enterprise Capabilities
In today’s dynamic business environment, emergent application software is regarded as a key component in the service industry. The effective and efficient development of such software systems can have a major impact on the economic value of digital companies. One important factor in achieving this is to ensure that the design and evolution of the software system can comply with the design and evolution of the enterprise. To this end, focus on the development lifecycle model has shifted towards dynamic configuration using approaches such as agile methods, method-driven development and software-oriented architectures. These efforts are complemented by a response to adaptation at operational level by exploiting context-awareness. However, there still exists a gap between enterprise requirements and software solutions. This talk will focus on a relatively recent development in the field based on the notion of ‘business capability’. The notion of ‘capability’ has been traditionally used in non-technical domains such as in socio-economic analyses, organizational studies, and strategic management. In information system engineering capability has been examined in the context of information system agility, service-orientation, software process improvement, and business-IT alignment. This talk will outline the field, introduce a development framework, including meta-models and process phases, provide examples from a use-case and define a number of challenges for researchers and practitioners alike.
Lecture at NEMO2014
Date/Time: Friday, July 18, 2014 at 11:00