Process Modelling for Distributed Mobile Systems
Generally formal methods can be classified into three categories: logic, automata and process algebra. Among them, process algebra can be considered most suitable for modelling distributed mobile systems, due to the notion of concurrency, distribution, movement, interaction and control of processes, as well as temporality. The most wellknown process algebras in this category are CCS, π-Calculus, Mobile Ambient, ACSR, etc. In the lecture, the basic criteria for concurrency, distribution, movement, interaction and control will be discussed and analysed in the modelling perspective. The discussion and analysis will include the basic laws and propositions to describe the basic properties of the systems and their behaviours, especially based on strong and weak equivalences. The efficiency and correctness of the modelling will be demonstrated with railroad-crossing systems examples. Besides, some limitations and possible extensions of the algebras will be discussed, such as, visibility of nondeterminitic concurrency, synchronousness, temporality, etc. At the end, the main issues in my research topic on the algebras will be introduced with a new algebra called, δ-Calculus.
Lecture at NEMO2014
Date/Time: Friday, July 11, 2014 at 09:00