Japanese Creative Services
We define Japanese creative services and discuss how they have been sustained successfully. The¬re are many “Shinise” (shops of long standing) service companies in Japan that are quite unique compared to the companies located in any other geographical region. They typically have anec¬dotal values based on nature and seasons, various types of culture, histories, and/or lifestyles. They also have the mind-set of “Omotenashi,” Japanese hospitality, and a framework to evaluate and in¬herit their service competence. We will examine these capabilities with some concrete examples. We then explain the mechanisms of the sustainabi¬lity and scalability of Japanese Creative Services. A statistical analysis comparing the Shinise compa¬nies in the Osaka region with those in the Kyoto region is reported. An exclusive inheritance me¬chanism designed towards a designated successor and the separation of the authority from technology inheritance can play an important role for the or¬ganizations to provide creative services. In order to enhance the values of the Japanese creative servi¬ces, a systematic analysis from the viewpoint of ser¬vice science and innovation will be essentially im¬portant. We believe that this kind of approach will contribute to creating new values within the field of service science and for value-added global services.
Lecture at NEMO2014
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 11:00