Explore Business Ecosystems with EcoViz
EcoViz offers an efficient and methodical way to explore, model and analyze a business-ecosystem in a (pre-)conceptual phase. It fosters the identification of various viewpoints including actors and their relationships for a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms and dynamics. The modeled business-ecosystems can be explored and examined regarding the exchange of tangible and in-tangible values and resources, actors’ needs and motivation, sustainability and legal aspects.
In addition to a static view, EcoViz can capture dynamic effects within the system. The models created within EcoViz can be exported and be shared for further modeling with other conceptional-modeling-tools along the toolchain. This makes EcoViz especially useful in early stages of the modeling process.
Lecture at NEMO2023
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 15:00