No-coding Approach for Business Logic Modelling
Literature survey permits for conclusion that business process modelling is realized with the use of various technologies, notations, and software tools. This lecture aims to present that differentiation is right and valuable, because process modelling is conducted for achievement of different effects. This lecture focuses on just one process, named Publishing Cycle. University Publisher is the main actor in this process. First, this process is modelled in ArchiMate language to discuss process context, i.e., business, software, and infrastructure context. Next, models in BPMN and CMMN permit for discussion manual and automated tasks. Finally, the logic of business in presented with no-coding application development tools. Beyond process, the business documents and forms are modelled with the no-coding tools. The main components of application developed with no-coding technology cover input-output forms and software functionalities captured as a process. During the lecture, the open source no-coding tools are analyzed and compared. At the end, benefits of no-coding approach is discussed, particularly as valuable in pre-implementation system analysis.
Lecture at NEMO2023
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 15:00