Explore Knowledge Graphs for Systems Engineering
The Digital-first Era imposes a shift from the conventional System Engineer working with system blueprints, towards a Digital Engineer profile which includes the ability to incorporate in the engineered artifacts semantics from the application domain, about goals, resources, and business processes. For conceptual models, this implies a shift from a representation to a mediation role, and Knowledge Graphs (KG) are a technological ingredient that can facilitate this shift.
This presentation will focus on practical examples suggesting new flavors of model-driven engineering that become possible when diagrammatic models and knowledge graphs work together towards achieving semantic enrichment that becomes available to even the simplest software artifacts, e.g., Web pages built with traditional means (PHP, HTML). In the showcased approach, the Digital Engineer can use conceptual modelling to capture diverse semantic facets of an enterprise and to streamline those to engineering activities. The demonstration will include introductory hands-on practice: first with semantic graph queries and reasoning on generic minimalist semantic graphs, followed by demonstrations of the semantic enrichment capabilities found in the Bee-Up modelling tool.
Lecture at NEMO2023
Date/Time: Monday, July 24, 2023 at 10:00