Agent-oriented Cyber-physical Systems Modelling
The low cost of IoT devices such as sensors and micro-controllers has enabled Industry 4.0. This mainstream contains not only industrial applications but also other ones perceived as revolutions, which has been summarized as smart-everything, internet-of-everything and, of course, the smart city revolution. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are the integration of distributed hardware controlled by distributed software with the aim of controlling physical processes. Therefore they should have both software-hardware devices for perceiving real world variables and software-hardware devices for acting in the real world. In this NEMO-2019’ lecture, the current state of modelling techniques for CPS and how agent-oriented modelling languages provide most of the required features for CPS modelling will be presented. In the practice part of the lecture, a set of different agent-oriented patterns are shown and the professor will guide the design of your own CPS by using these patterns.
Lecture at NEMO2019
Date/Time: Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 10:00