Conceptualisation of Modelling Methods: Challenges, Enablers and Scenarios
The benefits of domain-specific modelling methods – as a complement to general purpose and de-factor standard modelling methods like UML BPMN are doubtless. The process from an idea over the design up to the deployment of new modelling methods is referred to as the modelling method conceptualization. This presentation will provide a condensed walkthrough of all conceptualization phases by highlighting some of the most pressing challenges and discussing recent research results for overcoming these challenges. The second part of this talk will report on different modelling method conceptualization scenarios: the standard realization scenario, the standard extension scenario, and the domain-specific grass-roots scenario. The aim of this part of the talk is to show possibilities of modelling method conceptualization in academia and industry.
Lecture at NEMO2019
Date/Time: Monday, July 22, 2019 at 16:30