An Introduction to Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling and the MEMO4ADO Modelling Environment
In most industries, IT has become the backbone of the business. Therefore, the ability to conjointly analyze and design the action system of an enterprise and its information system has become a pivotal success factor or even a prerequisite for survival. Enterprise modelling aims at supporting organizations with this task. An enterprise model integrates models of the actions system (such as goal models or business process models) with models of the information system. This lecture gives an introduction to MEMO, a method for multi-perspective enterprise modelling. MEMO includes a high level framework of the enterprise together with a set of integrated domain-specific modelling languages. Among others, MEMO provides DSMLs for modelling organizational structures and processes, for goal modelling, and for modelling IT infrastructures. The introduction will include an overview of core languages and an outline of a method to use them for certain purposes. In addition, it is demonstrated how a modelling environment supports the construction and analysis of enterprise models. The participants are encouraged to use the tool, MEMO4ADO, which is available in the Open Models Laboratory.
Lecture at NEMO2017
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 14:30